
Octave Asset Management is your trusted partner for value-based investing, offering personalized plans rooted in transparency and robust risk metrics.

Our team

Board Members

Ahil Mansoor

Chief Executive Officer

Mohammed Javid

Desingnation Comes here

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A Word from our CEO

As the CEO of Octave Asset Management, I am excited to welcome you to our firm and share with you our approach to value-driven investing.

At Octave, we believe that the key to achieving long-term success in the markets is to identify undervalued assets and hold them for the long haul. Our team of experienced investment professionals uses a variety of tools and techniques to thoroughly research and analyze potential investments, looking for companies that are trading at a discount to their intrinsic value.

These asset classes can provide diversification and potentially higher returns, while also offering the opportunity to invest in businesses that may not be publicly traded. In this space, we understand the importance of actively engaging with the management of the companies in which we invest. By working closely with management, we seek to improve operations and drive value for all shareholders.

At Octave, we are committed to transparency and open communication with our clients. We regularly provide updates on our investment portfolio and performance, and we are always available to discuss any questions or concerns you may have.

Thank you for considering Octave Asset Management for your investment needs. I look forward to the opportunity to partner with you on your financial journey.


Corporate Office

Office 3120, Burj Daman

Next to Waldorf Astoria

Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC)

Dubai, United Arab Emirates


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Traditional Investments

Global Equities

Invest in the world's top-performing companies and diversify your portfolio with global equities

Global Bonds

Allows you to earn stable returns while diversifying your investment portfolio across different countries, currencies, and credit ratings


Tangible assets that range from precious metals and energy to agriculture and livestock.

Exchange Traded Funds

A cost-effective way to invest in a diversified portfolio of assets, such as stocks, bonds, and commodities.

Mutual Funds

Professionally managed investment vehicles that offer easy accessibility and potential for attractive returns.

Non-Traditional Investments

Private Equity

An exclusive asset class that offers high potential for returns through direct investment in privately-held companies.

Venture Capital

An asset class that provides early-stage funding for innovative startups and high-growth companies.


An exclusive asset class that provides early access to promising companies before they go public, offering high-growth potential and excitement.

Structures Notes

A flexible and customizable investment solution that combines potential for attractive cash flows, returns with principal protection.

Private REITS

A private investment vehicle that provides exposure to a diversified portfolio of income-producing properties, offering attractive returns and portfolio diversification.

Discretionary Portfolio Management

At our firm, we understand that every investor has different needs, goals, and risk tolerance. That’s why we offer three distinct portfolios for our clients to choose from: conservative, balanced, and aggressive.

Our conservative portfolio is designed for individuals who have a low risk tolerance and prioritize capital preservation over potential high returns. It is typically made up of a higher proportion of bonds and cash equivalents, with a smaller percentage of stocks. This type of portfolio is well-suited for individuals who are nearing retirement or have a short investment horizon.

Our balanced portfolio is designed for individuals who are looking for a balance of stability and growth. It usually contains a mix of bonds, cash equivalents, and stocks. The proportion of each asset class will depend on the individual’s risk tolerance and investment goals. This type of portfolio is well-suited for individuals who have a medium-term investment horizon and are looking for moderate returns.

Our aggressive portfolio is designed for individuals who have a high-risk tolerance and are willing to accept the potential for higher returns in exchange for higher volatility. It typically contains a higher proportion of stocks and a smaller percentage of bonds and cash equivalents. This type of portfolio is well-suited for individuals who have a long-term investment horizon and are comfortable with the potential for significant market fluctuations.

It’s important to note that the risk of loss of capital can be present in all kind of portfolio, the risk level and potential returns are the main differentiation between these three portfolios. Additionally, it is important to note that these descriptions are a generalization and portfolio makeup will be tailored to the individual needs, goals, and risk tolerance of the investors, as well as regular portfolio review, and rebalancing.

Our goal is to help our clients find the portfolio that best aligns with their individual needs, goals, and risk tolerance, and we work closely with them to create a customized investment strategy that meets their unique objectives.

What we offer

We truly understand that everyone has their own financial goals and objectives. With this insight, we offer a diverse range of investment options, designed to serve both seasoned pros and newcomers, ensuring that your personal financial journey aligns seamlessly with your aspirations.

Traditional Investments

Global Equities

Invest in the world's top-performing companies and diversify your portfolio with global equities

Global Bonds

Allows you to earn stable returns while diversifying your investment portfolio across different countries, currencies, and credit ratings


Tangible assets that range from precious metals and energy to agriculture and livestock.

Exchange Traded Funds

A cost-effective way to invest in a diversified portfolio of assets, such as stocks, bonds, and commodities.

Mutual Funds

Professionally managed investment vehicles that offer easy accessibility and potential for attractive returns.

Non-Traditional Investments

Private Equity

An exclusive asset class that offers high potential for returns through direct investment in privately-held companies.

Venture Capital

An asset class that provides early-stage funding for innovative startups and high-growth companies.


An exclusive asset class that provides early access to promising companies before they go public, offering high-growth potential and excitement.

Hedge Funds

A flexible and customizable investment solution that combines potential for attractive cash flows, returns with principal protection.

Global Real Estate

A private investment vehicle that provides exposure to a diversified portfolio of income-producing properties, offering attractive returns and portfolio diversification.

Who We Cater To

By embracing the diversity of investor needs, aspirations, and risk appetites, we present a trio of distinctive portfolios, enabling our clients to discover their ideal fit.

Conservative portfolio

The Conservative portfolio emphasizes capital preservation, making it ideal for low-risk individuals near retirement or with a short investment horizon

Balanced portfolio

The Balanced portfolio provides stability and growth with a curated mix of bonds, cash, and stocks for moderate returns, suited for a medium-term horizon.

Growth portfolio

The Growth portfolio targets high-risk tolerance for potential high returns with more stocks, ideal for long-term investors comfortable with market volatility.

The Markets We Operate In

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Our Goal

Invest in Value

Our main goal is to achieve steady and consistent long term capital growth of our portfolio. We invest in public equities, fixed income, private equity, private debt and real estate. We like companies that have strong fundamentals, passionate leadership and a wide economic moat. We invest globally and across industries. Octave is a next generation investment firm that operates at the intersection of purpose and profit.